As I am just starting out in the tech industry which means I have a
lot to learn and catch up on. To keep track of this I have made this
website as a portfolio and a log for the changes of the website over
time. I am currently focused on learning JavaScript in depth
while learning a bit of HTML and CSS to help make the
website more enjoyable to look at.
Starting on
January 6th 2023 I will be in a 3 month long Full-Stack
Engineer Bootcamp through There I will add more
knowledge about HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and
SQL to my ever expanding list of tools under my belt. Also I
will be learning React, Redux, Backbone, and
NodeJS. During this time I will also fix any bad habits that
might have come into play and also learn more about industry
Another step in my progress to learning more
and learning different perspectives will be through learning
Python. This is so I can help my friends with some of their
side projects. They have been in this industry for a while and have
helped me a lot with my transition but still have more to teach me.
The Python aspect of this learning is more geared toward data
engineering. This will help me expand my horizons and be a more
versatile Full-Stack Engineer.